Sunday, 17 January 2010

Ted Baker Promotions...

The promotional material I designed for the Ted Baker campaign consisted of Badges and a pocket calendar of September - December, both free giveaways in store. The idea behind the calendar was that it would be useful as customers prepare for the party season and Ted Baker could compose a selection of 'lookbook' pieces for the back of my designs. I also thought of fun deals for certain days of the month, for example, having a promotion on the 10th such as 'shop between 10am and 11am and save 10%' as this would encourage custom and also give the calendar more purpose as a vehicle for exhibiting these deals. However, I purely designed the aesthetics with every intention of Ted Baker using my visuals and adding their own information.

The badges were just an idea for a fun giveaway in store, as I know people like badges as they can be quirky and expressive and the intention was for them to be used on garments and accessories. I made the judgement to use clip backs instead of pins and this wouldn't damage the item the badge is placed on. I also thought it would be ideal if staff members wore them as it would tie in with the whole campaign and become recognizable.

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